Chapter 15: Leighlinbridge Plan

Closed23 Feb, 2022, 09:00 - 23 Mar, 2022, 16:30
Section 15.3.2 Leighlinbridge Plan

(Amendment No. 120) Insert new section and text after Section, with new additional corresponding policy after Section, new text in green as follows: Flood Risk Management

The flood risk mitigation measures and justification tests for Leighlinbridge are detailed in Section 7.21 and Section A.9 of the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) prepared as part of this County Development Plan (See Appendix III).  General guidance on development management and flood risk is set out in Section 6 of the SFRA.

Additional policy after Section

Flood Risk Management

It is the policy of the Council to:

LB. P20: Manage flood risk in Leighlinbridge in accordance with the following provisions:

1.Manage flood risk in Leighlinbridge within the existing town centre and existing residential affected by flood risk in accordance with the following provisions:

  • Any future planning applications for extensions/refits/change of use should be subject to an FRA which should follow the general guidance provided in Section 6 of the SFRA and must specifically address the following:
  • The sequential approach should be applied if possible;
  • FRA should address climate change scenarios in relation to operational levels and potential mitigation measures;
  • Proposals should not impede existing flow paths or cause flood risk impacts to the surrounding areas, and;
  • Emergency evacuation plan and defined access / egress routes should be developed for extreme flood events.
  • Any development shall also be required to be built in accordance with Carlow County Council SuDS Policy

2. Any future development on lands zoned Community/Education with existing nursing home development, shall be subject to FRA which should follow the general guidance provided in Section 6 of the SFRA and must specifically address the following:

  • Existing flood data is from the CFRAM but there is limited reporting on water levels. An appropriately detailed FRA would be required to demonstrate how flood risk is mitigated if developing in close proximity to Flood Zone A/B;
  • The sequential approach should be applied and any extension to the Nursing Home must not encroach into Flood Zone A or B;
  • FRA should address climate change scenarios in relation to FFLs and potential mitigation measures;
  • Finished floor levels should be above the 1% AEP level plus climate change and freeboard;
  • Any development shall also be required to be built in accordance with Carlow County Council SuDS Policy.

3.Any future development on the site of the Arboretum zoned Enterprise and Employment should be subject to an FRA which should follow the general guidance provided in Section 6 of the SFRA and must specifically address the following:

  • The sequential approach should be applied;
  • FRA should address climate change scenarios in relation to operational levels and potential mitigation measures;
  • Proposals should not impede existing flow paths or cause flood risk impacts to the surrounding areas; and,
  • Any development shall also be required to be built in accordance with Carlow County Council SuDS Policy.

4.Development of land zoned Tourism at Rathvinden House within Flood Zone A and B shall be:

  • Limited to extensions, renovations and change of use (for highly vulnerable uses).
  • Infill highly vulnerable development and demolition and reconstruction can only take place in Flood Zone C.

Any future development within the site should be subject to an FRA which should follow the general guidance provided in Section 6 of the SFRA and must specifically address the following:

  • The sequential approach should be applied, and highly vulnerable elements of the site should be located in Flood Zone C, or raised/bunded/protected;
  • Bedrooms should be located in the upstairs of two-story buildings when extending existing property;
  • Flood resilient construction materials and fittings should be considered if in Flood Zone A/B;
  • FRA should address climate change scenarios in relation to operational levels and potential mitigation measures;
  • Proposals should not impede existing flow paths or cause flood risk impacts to the surrounding areas; and,
  • Any development shall also be required to be built in accordance with Carlow County Council SuDS Policy.

(Amendment No. 121) Amend Leighlinbridge Land Use Zoning Map to rezone land on Milford Road from ‘Agriculture’ to ‘Strategic Reserve’.

Draft Leighlinsbridge Small Town Plan 2022-2028

Draft Plan Amendment

(Amendment No. 122) Amend Leighlinbridge Objectives Map to include additional sites for consideration as part of the Infrastructure Lands (Vol 2- Appendix X).