Chapter 8: Community Development

Closed23 Feb, 2022, 09:00 - 23 Mar, 2022, 16:30
Section    Children and Young People – Policies

(Amendment No. 57) Insert additional text  to policy YP P2,  Section ‘’Children and Young People – Policies’  (page 191), new text in green as follows:

YP P2: Consider the needs of children and young people, including those with disabilities and additional needs, in the provision of indoor and outdoor play and recreational facilities, and to consult with relevant stakeholders as maybe appropriate regarding design considerations for local authority developments. 


Section 8.8.3       People with Disabilities 

(Amendment No. 58) Insert additional text  to Section 8.8.3 ‘People with Disabilities’’  (page 192), new text in green as follows:

According to Article 1 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.  Carlow County Council is cognisant of the ‘National Disability Inclusion Strategy ( NDIS) 2017-2022 and ratification by Ireland in 2018 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).


Section 8.10         Education Facilities 

(Amendment No. 59) Insert additional text  to policy EF P2, Section 8.10 ‘Education Facilities - Policies’’  (page 200), new text in green as follows:

EF P2: Support and facilitate, as appropriate and subject to site suitability, the development and expansion of education facilities and services in the County, including:

  • the development of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) units throughout the County to ensure the needs of all students are met: and
  • the protection of existing school sites for education use and where appropriate the land buffers adjoining them. 


(Amendment No. 60) Amend Policy EF. P6 , Section 8.10 ‘Education Facilities - Policies’’  (page 200):- deleted text in red, new text in green as follows:-

EF P6: Encourage facilities connected with the integration of those with special needs into the education system of streamlined schools. Encourage the mainstream education provision of people with special needs, including the development, as appropriate, of necessary supporting facilities.      


Section 8.15.       Arts and Cultural Facilities  - Policies

(Amendment 61) Insert additional text  to policy CA P1, Section 8.15 ‘Arts and Cultural Facilities - Policies’’  (page 205), new text in green as follows:

CA P1: Encourage the provision of new or improved cultural, arts and entertainment facilities, particularly in the parts of the County where there is a deficiency in such provision, and to recognise and support the role of arts and culture as a form of community infrastructure that can make a positive contribution to the public realm, including urban development, regeneration, and placemaking.
