Chapter 11: Tourism and Recreation

Dúnta23 Fea, 2022, 09:00 - 23 Már, 2022, 16:30
Section 11.3 Failte Ireland Strategies

(Amendment No. 91) Insert additional text in green to objective FI O1, Section 11.3 ‘Failte Ireland Strategies - Objectives’ (page 263) as follows:

FI O1: Support and facilitate Fáilte Ireland and tourism stakeholder initiatives for the development of tourism experiences in the County, which deliver on the Ireland’s Ancient East brand and the preparation and implementation of Regional Tourism Strategies.


(Amendment No. 92) Amend Objective FI. O2 , Section 11.3 ‘Failte Ireland Strategies - Objectives’ (page 263) :- deleted text in red, new text in green as follows:-

FI O2: Engage and collaborate with Fáilte Ireland and other tourism stakeholders on their Tales of Two Worlds Visitor Experience Development Plan’ in support of their preparation of Destination Experience Development Plans (DEDPs) and other tourism masterplans within the County and in adjoining counties as appropriate. 


Section 11.3.2  Tales of Two Worlds Visitor experience and Section 11.3.3 Great Houses and Gardens Experience

(Amendment No. 93) Amend Section 11.3.2 ‘Tales of Two Worlds Visitor Experience’ (page 263) and Section 11.3.3 Great Houses and Gardens Experience:- deleted text in red, new text in green as follows:-

11.3.2 Tales of Two Worlds Visitor Experience Destination Experience Development Plans

In Carlow, Fáilte Ireland has commenced work on the ‘Tales of Two Worlds’ Visitor Experience Development Plan.  This Plan brings together Ireland’s historic houses and gardens, and the period in Ireland’s history of famine and emigration.  Fáilte Ireland’s Great Houses and Gardens Experience Development Programme looks at the house and garden experiences available across the County, including ways to develop guiding, events, cost, revenue management and sales distribution.  Going forward these Visitor Experience Plans are going to form Destination Experience Development Plan (DEDPs). 

11.3.3    Great Houses and Gardens Experience

Fáilte Ireland’s Great Houses and Gardens Experience Development Programme looks at the house and garden experiences available across the County, including ways to develop guiding, events, cost, revenue management and sales distribution. 


Section 11.4        Tourism in County Carlow

(Amendment No. 94) Insert additional text in green to Policy TD P1, Section 11.4 ‘Tourism Development - Policies’ (page 265) as follows:

TD P1: Support and collaborate with relevant agencies and bodies such as Carlow Tourism, Tourism Ireland, Fáilte Ireland and The Arts Council, and key stakeholders and local communities, , to further understand the needs of visitors in the County and to develop, promote and maximise the tourism potential of the County, and to ensure that tourism facilities are accessible to people with mobility issues, learning disabilities, people with visual or hearing impairments, young and elderly people.   


(Amendment No. 95) Insert additional Policy TD P8, Section 11.4 ‘Tourism Development - Policies’ (page 265) as follows

TD P8: Encourage and support investment in digital technology in the tourism sector in the County, with a particular focus on visitor attractions and activities with low digital presence and/or integration.


(Amendment No. 96) Insert additional text in green to Objective TD O1, Section 11.4 ‘Tourism Development - Objectives’ (page 266) as follows:

TD O1: Support the implementation of the County Carlow Tourism Strategy and Action Plan 2020-2025, and any updated version of the Strategy and Action Plan. 


Section 11.5.8     Natural Heritage and Amenities

(Amendment No. 97) Insert additional Policy after HT P15, Section 11.5.8 ‘Natural Heritage and Amenities- Policies’ (page 270) as follows:

Encourage the development of shared facilities centres at inland water bodies, to support greater access to water for water-sports and water-based activities and events, subject to compliance with planning and environmental criteria.


Section 11.6 Greenways and Blueways 

(Amendment No. 98) Insert additional text in green to Policy GB P3, Section 11.6 ‘Green and Blueway – Policies’ (page 272) as follows:

GB P3: Support the development of a tourism masterplan for the River Barrow, and in collaboration with adjoining local authorities and stakeholders as appropriate, which sets out an integrated framework for tourism development along the River Barrow.


Section 11.7  Carlow Town – Destination Town 

(Amendment No. 99) Include additional text in green to Objective DT. O1, Section 11.7 ‘Destination Town – Objectives’  (page 272) as follows:

DT O1: To support, promote and maximise the role of Carlow Town as a designated Ireland’s Ancient East ‘Destination Town’, and to engage with Fáilte Ireland in developing and promoting future tourism initiatives in the town, including enhancement of public space, the development of a way finding project and welcome signage, transport links, accommodation, the night-time economy, and the sustainable development of our natural and built heritage, in order to capitalise on the potential benefit of the funding for the town.   


Section 11.8  Culture, Arts and Entertainment

(Amendment No. 100) Insert additional Policy CA. P5, Section 11.8 ‘Culture, Arts and Entertainment - Policies’ (page 273) as follows:

CA P5: Encourage and support an improved night-time economy through the increased use of existing and temporary spaces for Culture, Arts and Entertainment uses including through extended opening hours for existing attractions, subject to compliance with planning and environmental criteria.


Section 11.10  Carlow Food, Drink and Craft

(Amendment No. 101) Insert additional text in green to Section 11.10 ‘Carlow Food, Drink and Craft’  (page 274) as follows:

11.10     Carlow Food, Drink and Craft

Food plays a major part in the contemporary tourism and visitor experiences and provides a platform for supporting and expanding local economic development.  Within the wider County Carlow area, a range of indigenous producers operate, inspired by the unique landscape and people of the County. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the important role of the outdoor dining and hospitality offering for businesses, which has now become a more prominent feature across the County.  Under its Outdoor Dining Enhancement Scheme, Fáilte Ireland has provided funding for Tullow Street Upper, as well as Main Street Borris, for permanent outdoor dining structures.  Businesses need to be supported to facilitate outdoor dining and hospitality for longer periods throughout the year, subject to compliance with planning and environmental criteria.  


Section 11.13 Outdoor Recreation

(Amendment No. 102) Insert additional Policy R. P12, Section 11.13 ‘Recreation - Policies’ (page 280) as follows:

R P12: Support the development and promotion of the Turas Columbaus as part of the Columban Way Walk, including appropriately designed and located signage, and in collaboration with adjoining local authorities and key stakeholders as appropriate.


Section 11.16  Sports and Leisure Facilities

(Amendment No. 103) Insert additional text in green to Section 11.16 ‘Sports and Leisure Facilities’  (page 285):

Section 11.16 ‘Sports and Leisure Facilities’ 

The County has a large number of purpose-built sporting and recreation facilities, provided through a mix of public, private, third level, school, community facilities, and voluntary organisations.   There are purpose-built sports and recreation facilities in the County for the GAA, soccer and other playing pitch uses, and for golf, rowing, athletics, tennis, badminton, squash, swimming, sub aqua, and equestrian uses. Apart from purpose-built facilities, the built environment of urban areas and the landscape of rural areas in the County, such as public roads, public footpaths, woodlands, and waterways, also support a range of other sports and leisure activities, such as walking, jogging, cycling, boating, fishing, and outdoor swimming.      


(Amendment No. 104) Insert additional text in green to Policy SL. P2, Section 11.16 ‘Sports and Leisure Facilities - Policies’  (page 286) as follows:

SL P2: Support national sport policies and objectives, including collaboration with Sports Ireland and National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs), the County Carlow Local Sports Partnerships, clubs, communities and partnerships within and beyond sport, to increase sport and physical activity participation levels.




Please See attached from Carlow Barrow Users Group Re: Amendment 98
Hi, I  disagree with the ammendment 98 in the Carlow Development plan in line with the decision of An Bord Pleanala. This proposal is detrimental to biodiversity. There is also serious...
To whom it concerns,    As a local in Graignamanagh who uses our beautiful Barrow track year round as it is, I say   NO to Ammendment 98 and...
From  Mairéad Holohan     I wish to object and say no to Amendment 98 and section 11.6 of the Greenways and Blueways   ...
Nicholas Bailey                                                ...