Protection and Enhancement of Blackstairs
Dúnta21 Iúil, 2021, 09:00 - 1 D.F., 2021, 17:00
A full list of acronyms used in the Plan is set out hereunder along with their corresponding full names. For the purposes of clarity, a separate list of acronyms is provided for Government Departments. Those that have been superseded are indicated with an asterisk(*).
Acroymn | |
AA | Appropriate Assessment |
ACA | Architectural Conservation Area |
AD | Anaerobic Digestion |
APM | Aggregate Potential Mapping |
CAFE | Clean Air for Europe |
CARO | Climate Action Regional Office |
CDP | County Development Plan |
CFRAM | Catchment-Based Flood Risk Assessment and Management |
CGI | Central Grid Injection |
CGS | County Geological Sites |
CHP | Combined Heat and Power |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
CYRS | Carlow Regional Youth Services |
CSO | Central Statistics Office |
DH | District Heating |
DMRB | Design Manual for Roads and Bridges |
DMURS | Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets |
DWPA | Drinking Water Protected Area |
DZ | Decarbonisation Zone |
EC | European Community |
EEC | European Economic Community |
ED | Electoral Division |
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EIAR | Environmental Impact Assessment Report |
ELC | European Landscape Convention |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
ESB | Electricity Supply Board |
ETS | Emissions Trading System |
EU | European Union |
EV | Electric Vehicle |
FRA | Flood Risk Assessment |
FRMP | Flood Risk Management Plan |
GHG | Green House Gases |
GSHP | Ground Source Heat Pump |
GSI | Geological Survey of Ireland |
HNDA | Housing Need and Demand Assessment |
HSE | Health Service Executive |
IAE | Ireland’s Ancient East |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology |
IEMA | Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (UK) |
IHAI | Industrial Heritage Association of Ireland |
IW | Irish Water |
JSP | Joint Spatial Plan |
LAP | Local Area Plan |
LAPN | Local Authority Prevention Network |
LCA | Landscape Character Assessment |
LCDC | Local Community Development Committee |
LECP | Local Economic and Community Plan |
LEDP | Local Enterprise Development Plan |
LEED | Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design |
LEO | Local Enterprise Office |
LTACC | Local Traveller Accommodations Consultative Committee |
LTP | Local Transport Plan |
LSP | Local Sports Partnership |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Network |
MSW | Municipal Solid Waste |
MW | Mega Watt |
NAF | National Adaptation Framework |
NCN | National Cycle Network |
NDA | National Disability Authority |
NDP | National Development Plan |
NECP | National Energy and Climate Plans |
NIAH | National Inventory of Architectural Heritage |
NIR | Natural Impact Report |
NIS | Natura Impact Statement |
NMS | National Monuments Service |
NPF | National Planning Framework |
NPO | National Policy Objective |
NPWS | National Parks and Wildlife Service |
NTA | National Transport Authority |
NRA | National Roads Authority (superseded by TII) |
NWSMP | National Wastewater Sludge Management Plan |
NZEB | Nearly Zero Energy Building |
OPW | Office of Public Works |
PE | Population Equivalent |
PFRA | Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment |
pNHA | Proposed Natural Heritage Area |
POWSCAR | Place of Work School or College Anonymised Records |
PPN | Public Participation Network |
PV | Photovoltaic |
RBD | River Basin District |
RBMP | River Basin Management Plan |
RE | Renewable Energy |
REP | Regional Enterprise Plan |
RES | Renewable Energy Strategy |
RMCEI | Recommended Minimum Criteria for Environmental Inspection |
RMP | Record of Monuments and Places |
RPO | Regional Policy Objective |
RPS | Record of Protected Structures |
RRDF | Rural Regeneration and Development Fund |
RSA | Road Safety Audit |
RSES | Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy |
RSIA | Road Safety Impact Assessment |
SAC | Special Area of Conservation |
SPA | Special Protection Area |
SDG | Strategic Development Goals |
SICAP | Social Inclusion Community Activation |
SPA | Special Protection Area |
SEA | Strategic Environmental Assessment |
SEAI | Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland |
SFRA | Strategic Flood Risk Assessment |
SME | Small and Medium Enterprises |
SMR | Sites and Monuments Record |
SRWMO | Southern Regional Waste Management Office |
STVGP | Small Towns and Villages Growth Programme |
SuDS | Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems SRWMO |
SRWMO | Southern Region Waste Management Office |
TAZ | Tiered Approach to Zoning |
TII | Transport Infrastructure Ireland |
TGD | Technical Guidance Document |
TRT | Tourism Recovery Taskforce |
TUSE | Technological University of the Southeast |
UAP | Urban Area Plan |
UN | United Nations |
URDF | Urban Regeneration and Development Fund |
WEEE | Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment |
WERLA | Waste Enforcement Regional Lead Authority |
WFD | Water Framework Directive |
WSSP | Water Services Strategic Plan |
WTP | Water Treatment Plant |
WWTP | Waste Water Treatment Plant |
Government Departments Referenced
Acronym | |
DAFM | Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine |
DAHG | Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht* |
DAHGI | Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands* |
DAST | Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism* |
DBEI | Department for Business, Enterprise and Innovation (in use) |
DCCAE | Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment |
DCENR | Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources* |
DCHG | Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht |
DCYA | Department of Children and Youth Affairs |
DECLG | Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government* |
DEHLG | Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government* |
DELG | Department of the Environment and Local Government* |
DES | Department of Education and Skills |
DHLGH | Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage |
DHPCLG | Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government* |
DHPLG | Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government* |
DOE | Department of the Environment* |
DOH | Department of Health |
DOJE | Department of Justice and Equality |
DOT | Department of Transport* |
DTTaS | Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport |
*superseded |