
Dúnta21 Iúil, 2021, 09:00 - 1 D.F., 2021, 17:00

A full list of acronyms used in the Plan is set out hereunder along with their corresponding full names. For the purposes of clarity, a separate list of acronyms is provided for Government Departments. Those that have been superseded are indicated with an asterisk(*).

AA Appropriate Assessment
ACA Architectural Conservation Area
AD Anaerobic Digestion
APM Aggregate Potential Mapping
CAFE Clean Air for Europe
CARO Climate Action Regional Office
CDP County Development Plan
CFRAM Catchment-Based Flood Risk Assessment and Management
CGI Central Grid Injection
CGS County Geological Sites
CHP Combined Heat and Power
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CYRS Carlow Regional Youth Services
CSO Central Statistics Office
DH District Heating
DMRB Design Manual for Roads and Bridges
DMURS Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets
DWPA Drinking Water Protected Area
DZ Decarbonisation Zone
EC European Community
EEC European Economic Community
ED Electoral Division
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIAR Environmental Impact Assessment Report
ELC European Landscape Convention
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ESB Electricity Supply Board
ETS Emissions Trading System
EU European Union
EV Electric Vehicle
FRA Flood Risk Assessment
FRMP Flood Risk Management Plan
GHG Green House Gases
GSHP Ground Source Heat Pump
GSI Geological Survey of Ireland
HNDA Housing Need and Demand Assessment
HSE Health Service Executive
IAE Ireland’s Ancient East
ICT Information and Communications Technology
IEMA Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (UK)
IHAI Industrial Heritage Association of Ireland
IW Irish Water
JSP Joint Spatial Plan
LAP Local Area Plan
LAPN Local Authority Prevention Network
LCA Landscape Character Assessment
LCDC Local Community Development Committee
LECP Local Economic and Community Plan
LEDP Local Enterprise Development Plan
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
LEO Local Enterprise Office
LTACC Local Traveller Accommodations Consultative Committee
LTP Local Transport Plan
LSP Local Sports Partnership
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
MW Mega Watt
NAF National Adaptation Framework
NCN National Cycle Network
NDA National Disability Authority
NDP National Development Plan
NECP National Energy and Climate Plans
NIAH National Inventory of Architectural Heritage
NIR Natural Impact Report
NIS Natura Impact Statement
NMS National Monuments Service
NPF National Planning Framework
NPO National Policy Objective
NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service
NTA National Transport Authority
NRA National Roads Authority (superseded by TII)
NWSMP National Wastewater Sludge Management Plan
NZEB Nearly Zero Energy Building
OPW Office of Public Works
PE Population Equivalent
PFRA Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
pNHA Proposed Natural Heritage Area
POWSCAR Place of Work School or College Anonymised Records
PPN Public Participation Network
PV Photovoltaic
RBD River Basin District
RBMP River Basin Management Plan
RE Renewable Energy
REP Regional Enterprise Plan
RES Renewable Energy Strategy
RMCEI Recommended Minimum Criteria for Environmental Inspection
RMP Record of Monuments and Places
RPO Regional Policy Objective
RPS Record of Protected Structures
RRDF Rural Regeneration and Development Fund
RSA Road Safety Audit
RSES Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy
RSIA Road Safety Impact Assessment
SAC Special Area of Conservation
SPA Special Protection Area
SDG Strategic Development Goals
SICAP Social Inclusion Community Activation
SPA Special Protection Area
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
SEAI Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
SFRA Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
SME Small and Medium Enterprises
SMR Sites and Monuments Record
SRWMO Southern Regional Waste Management Office
STVGP Small Towns and Villages Growth Programme
SuDS Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems SRWMO
SRWMO Southern Region Waste Management Office
TAZ Tiered Approach to Zoning
TII Transport Infrastructure Ireland
TGD Technical Guidance Document
TRT Tourism Recovery Taskforce
TUSE Technological University of the Southeast
UAP Urban Area Plan
UN United Nations
URDF Urban Regeneration and Development Fund
WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
WERLA Waste Enforcement Regional Lead Authority
WFD Water Framework Directive
WSSP Water Services Strategic Plan
WTP Water Treatment Plant
WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant

Government Departments Referenced


DAFM Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
DAHG Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht*
DAHGI Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands*
DAST Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism*
DBEI Department for Business, Enterprise and Innovation (in use)
DCCAE Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment
DCENR Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources*
DCHG Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
DCYA Department of Children and Youth Affairs
DECLG Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government*
DEHLG Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government*
DELG Department of the Environment and Local Government*
DES Department of Education and Skills
DHLGH Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
DHPCLG Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government*
DHPLG Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government*
DOE Department of the Environment*
DOH Department of Health
DOJE Department of Justice and Equality
DOT Department of Transport*
DTTaS Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport


Clár ábhair


Protection and Enhancement of Blackstairs