Chapter 6: Sustainable Travel and Transportation

Section 6.1             Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning

Amendment No. 10   Amend ‘Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning – Overarching Policy’ (page 98):-deleted text in red, new text in green.

LT. P2: Ensure the design of all streets and roads in the joint urban area complies with the principles, approaches and standards as appropriate in the Design Manual for Urban Road and Streets (DMURS 2013 Updated 2019 and Supplementary Interim Advice Note Published in 2020) and TII Publications, and any subsequent updates to this Design Manual. 

Amendment no. 11   Amend ‘Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning – Overarching Policy’ (page 98):-new text in green.

LT. P2: “Ensure the design of all streets and roads in the joint urban area complies with the principles, approaches and standards as appropriate in the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS 2013-2019) and TII Publications, and any subsequent updates to this Design Manual.”  

Section 6.3             Local Transport Plan

Amendment No. 12 Amend Local Transport Plan (LTP) – Overarching Policy LTP. P1 (page 100): new text in green.

LTP. P1: Progress the delivery of the appropriate measures and interventions within the JULAP area as outlined in the Carlow – Graiguecullen Local Transport Plan (LTP) on a phased basis and subject to the availability of funding having regard to the LTP land use transportation and guidance and in consultation with the NTA and TII as appropriate, in order to support the shift towards sustainable travel and transport throughout the joint urban area and to accommodate anticipated transport demand due to planned population growth. 

Amendment No. 13 Amend Local Transport Plan (LTP) – Overarching Policy LTP. P1 (page 100): new text in green as follows:

LTP. P1:Progress the delivery of the appropriate measures and interventions as outlined in the Carlow-Graiguecullen Local Transport Plan (LTP) on a phased basis and subject to the availability of funding having regard  to the LTP land use transportation and guidance and in consultation with the NTA and TII as appropriate, in order to support the shift towards sustainable travel and transport throughout the joint urban area and to accommodate anticipated transport demand due to planned population growth.”

Section 6.3.2          LTP Principles

Amendment No. 14   Amend Table 6.2 – Parking principles (page 103-104): new text in green as follows:

Ensure the needs of mobility-Impaired and Disables drivers are considered in the design and implementation of transport schemes.

Section       Walking Strategy

Amendment No. 15   Amend Figure 6.4 Proposed Walking Permeability Connections (page 106) with the removal of the Highfield/Oak Park permeability link.

Draft Plan


Amendment No. 16   Amend Figure 6.4 Proposed Walking Permeability Connections (page 106) with the removal of Sandhills permeability link.

Draft Plan



Amendment No. 17)   Amend Figure 6.4 Proposed Walking Permeability Connections (page 106) with the removal of the Kearney’s Lane permeability link.

Draft Plan




Section 6.3.4      Active Travel Modes

Walking and Cycling Policies (page 109)

Amendment No. 18   Include additional text in green in Policy WC. P1.

WC. P1:  Support and promote enhanced connectivity where appropriate for pedestrians and cyclists in Carlow-Graiguecullen in order to improve accessibility throughout the joint urban area and to the town centre, employment areas, residential areas, local schools including the Carlow Educate Together National School on the Athy Road and other educational facilities, recreational facilities, and public transport nodes.

Amendment No. 19 Include additional text in green in Policy WC. P2.

WC. P2: Ensure that all development where appropriate within Carlow-Graiguecullen provides for connectivity (pedestrian and cyclist and vehicular) to adjacent lands in accordance with the National Transport Authority’s Permeability Best Practice Guide (2015) and any subsequent update to this Guide.

Section Cycling Strategy

Amendment No. 20 Location of Potential Cycle Parking (to include cycle parking at Hanover Harps and other sporting facilities in the Town).


Section      Rail Strategy

Amendment No. 21 Amend Public Transport – Policy PT.P4 (page 113): new text in green.

PT. P4: Ensure that public transport and infrastructure, and accessibility to public transport services as required and appropriate, is considered as part of any significant residential or commercial development proposals in the joint urban area e.g., evaluation for requirement for new bus stops, turnaround facilities, pedestrian access, and layover facilities. 

Section      Carlow Southern Relief Road

Road Infrastructure Policies (pages 116-117)

Amendment No. 22   Amend Road Infrastructure Policy RI. P1 (page 116 - 117): new text in green.

RI. P1: Maintain, improve, and extend the public road network in and around Carlow – Graiguecullen to ensure a hight standard of connectivity and safety for all road users, while also supporting active travel modes in the joint urban area thereby seeking to facilitate the effective operation of and access to public transport services into and through the town and facilitating the use of walking and cycling modes for local trip making.  The implementation of active travel measures in the Joint Uran Area will not be contingent on the completion of new roads schemes. 

Amendment No. 23   Amend Road Infrastructure Policy RI. P2 (page 117): new text in green.

RI. P2: Co-operate and liaise with the Department of Transport, the National Transport Authority (NTA) and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) in relation to securing appropriate improvements/extensions as appropriate to the public road network, including active travel measures, where deemed appropriate within Carlow – Graiguecullen. 

Amendment No. 24   Amend Road Infrastructure Policy RI. P3 (page 117): deleted text in red, new text in green.

RI. P3: Provide for traffic calming and speed reduction measures throughout the joint urban area, where necessary as funding allows, and ensure that all new developments are designed to incorporate appropriate traffic calming measures as set out in the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS 2013 – 2017 Updated 2019 and Supplementary Interim advice Note Published in 2020), and any subsequent updates to this Design Manual.

Amendment No. 25   Amend Road Infrastructure Policy RI. P3 (page 117): deleted text in red, new text in green and deletions with strikethrough as follows:

RI. P4: That all medium to large scale and complex planning applications (30+ residential units, commercial development over 1000sq.m., or other development proposals as required by Carlow County Council and Laois County Council shall be accompanied by a Traffic and Transport Assessment (TAA) Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) carried out in accordance with Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s (TII) and Transport Assessment Guidelines (2014). 

Amendment No. 26 Include additional Road Infrastructure Policy RI. P5 (page 117), new text in green.

RI. P5:    Co-operate with Transport Infrastructure Ireland to maintain and develop the national road network (N80) through the Carlow-Graiguecullen Joint Urban Area having due regard to the Spatial Planning and National Roads Guidelines for Planning Authorities DECLG (2012).

Section 6.3.7          Parking Strategy

Amendment No. 27   Amend Parking – Policies PK. P1 (page 117): new text in green.

PK. P1:    Support the provision of appropriate levels of parking in Carlow – Graiguecullen to provide for the needs of residents, business, and visitors to the joint urban area. 

Amendment No. 28   Amend Parking – Policies PK. P4 (page 118): new text in green.

PK. P4:    Treat the County Development Plans’ parking standards as maxima, with the objective of determining and applying reduced car parking levels.  Apply flexibility in relation to car parking requirements where appropriate, in response to well-designed development proposals that can achieve urban infill and brownfield development objectives in Carlow – Graiguecullen, and subject to the availability of connections to active travel and public transport infrastructure and provided public safety is not compromised and the environment is suitably protected. 

Amendment No. 29   Amend ‘Parking – Policies’ to include an additional Parking Policy (page 118): new text in green.

PK. P6: Support the provision of dedicated parking at appropriate locations for mobility- impaired and disabled drivers and monitor this provision to ensure it remains fit for purpose. 

Amendment No. 30 Include additional Parking Objective (page 118): new text in green.

PK.O2:    Prepare a town centre parking strategy in consultation with local stakeholders which would consider the potential for the migration of on-street car parking to more appropriate off-street sites/ locations where feasible, thereby facilitating more active travel modes within the town centre, including public realm enhancements.