Chapter 5: Urban Design Town Centre and Regeneration

Section 5.1.            Urban Design and Placemaking

Amendment No. 7  Amend Section 5.1. ‘Urban Design and Placemaking’ (page 75):- new text in green.

Urban design deals with the arrangement, appearance, and function of built environments such as Carlow-Graiguecullen. It is critical to the creation of liveable, sustainable urban areas that meet the needs of local communities.  At its core is the placemaking or people-centred design approach (See Fig.5.3), which prioritises the needs of people over cars, buildings, and other infrastructure.  This approach contributes to the development of more accessible and inclusive urban environments that have a sense of identity, and facilitate opportunities to reduce car dependency, support active travel, promote urban greening and encourage social interaction.  Healthy Placemaking is supported at a regional level in both the SRA and EMRA RSES (Ros 10,9.12,9.13 and Fig 9.2 of the EMRA RSES and RPO 31 of the SRA RSES). 

Carlow County Council and Laois County Council have in their respective County Development Plans, prepared a suite of urban design policies, objectives, and related provisions to support and promote good urban design and quality placemaking, which should be read in conjunction with this chapter of the JULAP. 


Section 5.5.1          Town Regeneration Officers and Town Teams

Amendment No. 8  Amend Section 5.5.1 ‘Town Regeneration Officers and Town Teams’ (page 78-79).  New text in green, deleted text in red.

In addition, in 2023 February 2024 Carlow County Council completed a an updated vacancy survey for Carlow Town, which has revealed that there are circa 200 171 vacant properties in the JULAP area.  These identified properties comprise 119 residential and 52 commercial units commercial and residential properties currently vacant and/or in a derelict condition.  This survey encompassed that part of the Graiguecullen area in County Carlow.  Specific funding has been received under Call 3 of the URDF which is designed to address long term vacancy and dereliction, as well as the acceleration of residential accommodation in the town.             


Section 5.5.3          Vacant Homes Officers

Amendment No. 9   Insert additional policy to ‘Vacant Homes Officers and Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) – Policy.  New text in green.

It is the policy of Carlow County Council and Laois County Council to:

VH. P2     Update data on vacancy / reuse of properties as part of the implementation and monitoring of the plan.