Road Safety Scheme for Safe Routes to School

Dúnta6 D.F., 2023, 09:00 - 20 D.F., 2023, 16:00

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Road Safety Scheme for Safe Routes to School, St. Bridget's National School, Station Road Bagenalstown

Proposed Development

The proposed development will consist of the provision of a high-quality pedestrian access to St Brigid’s National School and Bagenalstown Train Station along Station Road from Kilree Street to Fenagh Road, which will provide improved and safer walking and cycling facilities by narrowing the existing road through the construction of buildouts and the revision of lining along the edge of road This development is being carried out under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994.

The scheme will include the following elements:
  • Removal of existing Buildouts and Relocation of the Pedestrian Crossing
  • Rapid Build infill to provide additional public realm space outside of St. Brigid’s National School
  • Engineered reduction in width of Station Road through Kerbing and Lining to achieve a reduction in speed in the vicinity of the school
  • Installation of associated signage and road markings to designate the area as a School Zone

Where Can I Get More Information?

The details & particulars of the proposed works are available for inspection from Friday 6th October  until Friday 20th October 2023 inclusive,
  1. online at  or
  2. by appointment between the hours of 10:00am to 16:00pm only, Monday to Friday at Muine Bheag Area Office, McGrath Hall, Station Road, Muinebheag.

Submissions & Observations

Submissions may be made at  To make an online submission, register for an account today.  This is a one-time process for all Carlow County Council public consultations. You will receive an email with a link to activate your registration. Click on the link to log in and make a submission.

Please be advised that submissions received may be published online.  You should ensure that no vexatious, libellous or confidential information, including confidential information relating to a third party (in respect of which the third party has not, expressly, or impliedly in the circumstances, consented to its disclosure) is included in your submission. Carlow County Council reserves the right to redact any submission or part thereof that does not comply with this requirement. Please be advised that the name of the person(s)/group(s) who made the submission may be published, but personal data will be redacted. This processing of your personal data is lawful under Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR Regulations. The Council’s Data Protection Policy, is available at

Observations or representations in relation to the proposal may be made in writing on or before 4:00pm Monday 23rd October 2023 as follows:
All submissions must be clearly titled “Safe Routes to School, St. Brigid’s National School, Station Road, Bagenalstown”.
By email to or  In writing, to Padraig O’Gorman, Director of Services, Carlow County Council, County Offices, Athy Road Carlow.  Submissions may also be made online at 
Pádraig O'Gorman,
Director of Services,
Carlow County Council.
6th October 2023


Active Travel
General comment

Litir Chlúdaigh (Roghnach)

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