Appendix D: Irish Water

Closed20 Nov, 2020, 09:00 - 25 Jan, 2021, 17:00
Appendix D  Menu of appropriate Objective/Policies for Water Services in Development Plans General Policies in relation to Water Services
  1. To work closely with Irish Water to identify and facilitate the timely delivery of the water services required to realise the development objectives of this plan;
  2. When identifying areas for development, to ensure that full consideration is given to the level of investment that will be required in the provision of water services – particularly in environmentally sensitive areas - to ensure that the provision of water services does not negatively impact on habitat quality, species diversity or other environmental considerations
  3. To facilitate the provision of integrated and sustainable water services through effective consultation with Irish Water on the layout and design of water services in relation to the selection and planning of development areas and the preparation of master plans and SDZs;
  4. To maximise the use of existing capacity in water services in the planning of new development;
  5. To ensure that adequate water services will be available to service development prior to the granting of planning permission for those developments and to require developers to consult Irish Water regarding available capacity, prior to applying for planning permission;
  6. To protect existing way leaves and buffer zones around public water services infrastructure through appropriate zoning and to facilitate the provision of appropriate sites for required water services infrastructure as necessary;
  7. To ensure that development proposals comply with the standards and requirements of Irish Water in relation to water and wastewater infrastructure to facilitate the proposed developments
Water Supply
  1. To protect both ground and surface water resources and to work with Irish Water to develop and implement Water Safety Plans to protect sources of public water supply and their contributing catchment;
  2. To minimise wastage of water supply by requiring new developments to incorporate water conservation measures;
  3. To promote water conservation and demand management measures among all water users;
Wastewater Services
  1. To ensure that the Local Authority provides adequate storm water infrastructure in order to accommodate the planned levels of growth within the plan area and to ensure that appropriate flood management measures are implemented to protect property and infrastructure;
  2. To require all new development to provide a separate foul and surface water drainage system and to incorporate sustainable urban drainage systems;
  3. To prohibit the discharge of additional surface water to combined (foul and surface water) sewers in order to maximise the capacity of existing collection systems;
  4. To support Irish Water in the promotion of effective management of trade discharges to sewers in order to maximise the capacity of existing sewer networks and minimise detrimental impacts on sewage treatment works;
  5. To refuse residential development that requires the provision of private waste water treatment facilities, other than single house systems;
  6. To ensure the changeover from septic tanks to collection networks in all cases where this is feasible (subject to connection agreements with Irish Water) and that all new developments utilise and connect to the public wastewater infrastructure. The provision of individual septic tanks and treatment plants in the plan area will be strongly discouraged to minimise the risk of groundwater pollution. Where such facilities are permitted, full compliance with the prevailing regulations and standards, including the EPA’s Code of Practice Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems Serving Single Houses (PE. ≤10) (EPA 2009), as may be amended, will be required;
  7. To ensure that private wastewater treatment plants, where permitted, are operated in compliance with their wastewater discharge license, in order to protect water quality;
  8. To require existing developments that are in close proximity to a public sewer to connect to that sewer, subject to a connection agreement with Irish Water;