09. Movement & Transport

Closed20 Nov, 2020, 09:00 - 25 Jan, 2021, 17:00

9.0 Movement & Transport

SO8: To improve the quality of the existing transport network in particular pedestrian connections in the settlement to increase permeability and connectivity in order to provide universal access to key land uses such as community facilities, including schools and sports clubs, and new and existing development lands.

The main transport infrastructure in Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch is by means of the R703 and the R705 providing connections to both Kilkenny and Carlow. These regional roads converge on the George Semple Bridge therefore all through traffic must enter and exit through the town centre, a challenge for the settlement. In an attempt to regulate the regional traffic through the medieval town centre a stop/go system has been put in place in the settlement of Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch which, in itself impacts upon how the town functions, particularly in terms of movement. The R705 ring road, bypassing Graiguenamanagh since 2008 has reduced the volume of traffic entering the town centre from the west.

This Draft Joint LAP recognises that one of the major challenges facing Graiguenamanagh and Tinnahinch during the period of the Plan, will be the need to promote and provide sustainable mobility options. A range of movement measures are proposed to improve connectivity and support a better balance between vehicular traffic and more sustainable modes such as walking, cycling and public transport.



Smarter Travel – A Sustainable Transport Future (2009) is a transport policy for Ireland covering the period 2009-2020. It sets out five key goals:

  • To reduce overall travel demand;
  • To maximise the efficiency of the transport network;
  • To reduce reliance on fossil fuels;
  • To reduce transport emissions; and
  • To improve accessibility to transport.

The policy is aimed at reversing unsustainable travel patterns through the promotion of walking, cycling, carpooling etc. Furthermore, the policy is focused on improving the environment and people’s quality of life through the associated health benefits of sustainable modes of transport.

Cycle facilities shall be incorporated into the design and layout of development schemes as appropriate including road schemes in the settlement in accordance with the National Cycle Policy Framework, Department of Transport, 2009, and any subsequent documents to be released on foot of same which provide guidelines and standards. Bicycle parking standards for any new development are set out in the Kilkenny and Carlow County Development Plan. As with all provisions of the CDP, these requirements will also apply to any new developments within the Plan area.

The overall permeability and connectivity of the pedestrian and cycle network in Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch is poor. This is as a result of the historic fabric and natural topography of the settlement. Opportunities for permeability improvements have the potential to transform existing neighbourhoods into permeable ones, where people can walk or cycle safely and conveniently to schools, community facilities and the town centre. New developments will be required to be designed as permeable and connected areas with pedestrian and cyclist linkages being an important consideration.

Kilkenny and Carlow County Councils will also support the development and enhancement of pedestrian routes along the River Barrow i.e. South Leinster Way, Brandon Way. It is an objective of this Draft Plan (Objective OSO2.2) to develop paths and cycle routes within the settlement to increase pedestrian activity and reduce the level of car dominance within the settlement and to support enhanced access to natural and built heritage features within the town.  



Graiguenamanagh is served by one bus service to and from Kilkenny City Monday-Saturday. Graiguenamanagh is also served by ‘Ring a Link’ which operates 2 bus services from the town to Bagenalstown, each Saturday and to Carlow Town each Monday and Wednesday. Such public services would also be utilised by residents of Tinnahinch. Ring a Link is a non-profit making, charitable organisation funded by the Department of Transport, offering affordable and convenient transport for rural dwellers. Ring a Link services are demand responsive and door-to-door.

It is noted the public transport routes are somewhat limited; this Draft Joint LAP will support the extension/expansion of the existing routes to and from Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch and its environs.

9.2.1 Commuting Population

The settlement of Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch experiences a leakage of daily commuters each day. The 2016 Census of Population confirmed of the total population of the settlement 8% (61 persons) travel ¾ hour-1 hour for work, school or college each day whilst 4.83% (36 persons) travel between 1 hour-under 1 hour 30 minutes.


Road infrastructure is being progressively improved in Graiguenamanagh. In an attempt to alleviate traffic congestion on Main Street traffic calming measures were installed. Traffic congestion however remains a concern in the town centre, especially at the junctions of High Street, Chapel Street and the Quay. Although the provision of the Relief Road west of Graiguenamanagh has alleviated a certain amount of the through traffic and local traffic; a certain volume of through traffic still dominates the town centre streets. Reducing traffic congestion is one of the key priorities of this Plan. This is to be achieved through the provision of enhanced pedestrian and cycle routes to reduce traffic movements throughout the town and will be supported by other incremental road improvements.

At present there is only one bridging point in the settlement over the River Barrow namely ‘George Semple Bridge’ the principle vehicular and pedestrian link between Graiguenamanagh and Tinnahinch. This bridge is recognised as being of national importance and is also protected by its inclusion in the Record of Protected Structures (Ref: C125) in Kilkenny County Development Plan 2014-2020 and is also part of the “Kilkenny Group” of bridges. (It is also included in the RPS for the Carlow CDP (Ref. CW496). This bridge plays a significant physical and psychological role in joining the two settlements into a single functional unit and accommodates the vast majority of trips generated from Tinnahinch for those primary services and amenities it relies on Graiguenamanagh for, including schools and retail services.

The Draft Joint LAP acknowledges the importance of accessibility and mobility to the strategic road network for those living in the town but also those who may wish to visit the town. The delivery of pedestrian links between Graiguenamanagh and Tinnahinch is considered priority for the Draft Joint LAP to reduce vehicular movements and improve pedestrian safety. The enhancement of the existing pedestrian network within the settlement is also of importance in particular the development of footpaths in the Turf Market area to form connection to Peg Washington Lane and Mill Road area.

The George Semple Bridge is strategically located between Graiguenamanagh and Tinnahinch and enables direct access to the town centre of each settlement. It is an objective of this plan (Objective MTO1.8 and TCO1.5) to enhance the connection by way of an appropriate mobility management solution between Graiguenamanagh and Tinnahinch to ensure the safe movement of pedestrians over the River Barrow. The George Semple bridge will be one of the options that will be considered in the mobility management plan for improved pedestrian and cycling connection between the two settlements. The Draft Joint LAP also provides for the provision of appropriate ground level lighting on the George Semple bridge and in the surrounding area.  

A Mobility Management solution for the towns of Graiguenamanagh and Tinnahinch will:

  • Reduce the dominance of vehicle movement within Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch
  • Encourage pedestrian movement through the town and along the quay and riverbank
  • Encourage visitors to further explore the settlement and its heritage and cultural offerings

It is an objective (Objective MTO1.9) of the Draft Joint LAP to develop a high-quality pedestrian/shared surface area along The Quay at Graiguenamanagh and Tinnahinch

It is also necessary that pedestrian access to future developments and amenities in the settlement is improved and enhanced.

MT1; Movement & Transport Policy

It is the policy of both Kilkenny and Carlow County Councils to support improvements to the road and street network in Graiguenamanagh and Tinnahinch in order to provide connectivity and permeability throughout the settlement and to enable access for all to and from new communities and to reduce through traffic in the town centre.


It is an objective of the Plan:

MTO1.1: To require all new developments to comply with the recommendations of the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) and National Cycle Manual, or any subsequent relevant publication.

MTO1.2: To undertake a Mobility Management Plan for Graiguenamanagh/Tinnahinch which will include investigation of the appropriate interventions for the provision of upgrades to footpaths and public lighting throughout the town. Particular consideration shall be given to the following locations (Map 1):

  1. Approaches on both sides to and across the George Semple Bridge
  2. The Quay Graiguenamanagh and Tinnahinch

MTO1.3: To improve the pedestrian and cyclist environment and promote ease of movement within the settlement to include facilities for older people. Direct, attractive, well-lit and overlooked linkages between community, education, retail and recreational facilities will encourage the residents and visitors to the settlement to walk rather than using unsustainable modes of transport.

MTO1.4: To provide an enhanced pedestrian and cycle network in Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch including the provision of footpath improvements to ensure ease of access to public transport, the town centre, heritage sites and other recreational / community facilities.

MTO1.5: To require the co-location of pedestrian and cycle routes on all new infrastructure connecting key destinations within the settlement, particularly between the schools, community centre and heritage sites such as Duiske Abbey etc.

MTO1.6: To support the provision of age friendly bus shelters at appropriate locations in Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch and to facilitate and support the provision of electric car charging stations at appropriate locations across the Draft Joint LAP area.

MTO1.7: To ensure all footpaths in the settlement provide adequate access for persons with a disability or who have impaired mobility.

MTO1.8: To undertake a mobility management plan that will consider the feasibility of all options for improving pedestrian and cyclist mobility between Graiguenamangh and Tinnahinch and to implement the recommendations of the plan.

MTO1.9: Dependent upon the success of other public realm projects the Draft LAP will provide for a high-quality shared surface area along ‘The Quay’ Graiguenamanagh and Tinnahinch to further facilitate recreational use of the River Barrow.

MTO1.10 To investigate and implement the best practise solution for the provision low level lighting on the George Semple bridge


The main public car parks in Graiguenamanagh are at the Main Street, Aldi and to the rear of Super Valu, combined these provide sufficient levels of parking. The car park at Aldi provides direct pedestrian access onto Main Street via ‘Well Lane’. This pedestrian route could be better utilised by those availing of retail services at Aldi and along Main Street.

There is limited on-street parking on Main Street which often obstructs traffic flow. Proposals for the redevelopment of backland development along the Duiske River may encourage the use of the Aldi car park for off-street car parking and enhance the number of pedestrian movements within the settlement and encourage visitors to further explore the area. Although the parking offer for retail in Graiguenamangh has improved in the recent past, the provision of tourism parking proximate to the town centre needs to be formalised so as not to impact pedestrian safety. On street parking along the Graiguenamangh quay also currently obstructs traffic flow and discourages pedestrian movement.

The Development Management Standards set out in the Kilkenny County Development Plan 2014-2020 and Carlow County Development Plan 2015-2021 include parking standards for new development. As with all provisions of the CDP, these requirements will also apply to any new developments within the Plan area.

To enable the development of the settlement as a tourist destination there is a need to provide for additional off-street parking and a coach stop to attract day visitors and coach tours. It is an objective of the Draft Joint LAP to support the development of a car park and public toilets in the Turf Market area, adjacent to Main Street, Graiguenamanagh and at the proposed park at Tinnahinch.

CP1 - Car Parking Policy

It is the policy of both Kilkenny and Carlow County Councils to manage the provision of parking both car and bicycle to provide for the needs of residents, business and visitors to Graiguenamanagh and Tinnahinch.


It is an objective of the Plan:

CPO1.1: To provide distinctly identifiable disabled and Age Friendly car parking spaces at appropriate locations throughout Graiguenamangh-Tinnahinch

CPO1.2:  To ensure that adequate and secure bicycle parking facilities are provided at appropriate locations throughout Graiguenamangh-Tinnahinch.

CPO1.3:  To require parking provision for new development in accordance with the standards set out in the Kilkenny and Carlow County Development Plan.

CPO1.4:  To provide for the development of parking facilities for car and coach at the Turf Market area, adjacent to the town centre of Graiguenamanagh