12. Implementation & Development Management Standards

Closed20 Nov, 2020, 09:00 - 25 Jan, 2021, 17:00

12.0 Implementation & Development Management Standards

SO11: To phase new development as appropriate to ensure that it occurs in an orderly and efficient manner in accordance with proper planning and sustainable development.


This Draft Joint LAP sets out a clear vision for Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch into the future. This vision is in accordance with the role identified for the settlement at a local, county and regional context and seeks to make Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch a more attractive place to live, work and visit. In order to achieve the stated vision, it is important that the individual measures put forward in this plan are delivered.

The responsibility for the implementation of policies and objectives contained within this Draft Joint LAP will be dependent on a number of possible sources, including EU programmes and grants, the National Government, the County Council and the private sector. Of particular relevance, is the recently announced €1bn Rural Regeneration and Development Fund which will apply to all settlements and rural areas with fewer than 10,000 people, which will operate under the Department of Rural and Community Development.

The Council will also require developers to incorporate the objectives and development management standards of this plan into their development proposals. Other objectives, particularly key infrastructural elements, will require government funding and support. Where appropriate, the Council will seek financing from specified sources, both the public and private sector, as well as from EU programmes and grants. The implementation of a plan may be constrained by a number of elements, namely, the economic climate, political support, allocated local authority funding, and the availability of funding from other sources. Therefore, no funding of projects is guaranteed in advance nor is the implementation of all objectives contained within the plan.

It is intended that the various agencies, including voluntary groups, professional institutions, public and private bodies including Kilkenny and Carlow County Council, and other organisations in Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch will be encouraged to participate whenever possible, in the implementation of the policies and objectives of this plan to move the settlement forward.


This Draft Joint LAP outlines specific policies and objectives of Kilkenny and Carlow County Council with regard to developing Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch. The overarching policies and objectives of the Kilkenny and Carlow County Development Plans also apply, specifically the Development Management Standards of both County Development Plans. Where conflict exists between the LAP and the CDPs, the CDPs will take precedence.

DEV1 – Development Management Standards

It is an objective of Kilkenny and Carlow County Councils:

DEVO1.1: To encourage the appropriate development and redevelopment of lands within the Draft Joint LAP area subject to compliance with the relevant development management standards of the Kilkenny CDP and Carlow CDP.

12.2.1   Density

The indicative density standards for each zone are set out in Chapter 4 Core Strategy.  It is important to note that these are not prescribed residential density standards; rather they are indicative of what densities would be acceptable at various locations in the plan area.  The figures in Chapter 4 are estimates for zoning requirements only, and the acceptable density on any site shall be determined by a design led approach that takes cognisance of the receiving environment and the established character of the area.


The Guidelines on Local Area Plans advise that LAPs should include an Implementation and Infrastructure Delivery Schedule. Developing areas depend on the integrated delivery of essential social and physical infrastructure. This Draft Joint LAP has set out the strategic elements of infrastructure (water services, access etc) however the development of land in private ownership can also contribute to the overall provision of physical and social infrastructure.