Sustainable Communities

Closed24 Jun, 2020, 12:30 - 20 Aug, 2020, 17:00
A strategic objective of the County Development Plan is to seek to promote and facilitate the development of sustainable communities through land use planning to support the provision of services and to accommodate community, leisure, recreational and cultural facilities.

The Barrow Way at Tinnahinch Lock

Sustainable neighbourhoods need a range of community facilities that are fit for purpose, accessible and adaptable. This includes facilities that address the social, community and cultural requirements of the population and incorporate schools, libraries, community centres, health care facilities, childcare facilities, parks and open spaces. The provision of a sufficient range and capacity of such facilities has a positive impact on social cohesion, enhancing quality of life and helping to create attractive and sustainable neighbourhoods. The review of the County Development Plan provides an opportunity to assess community infrastructure provision in towns and villages across the county and to plan for future needs in a strategic and evidence-based manner.

County Carlow 2021 (LECP)

The County Carlow 2021 Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2021 was prepared by Carlow County Council and Carlow Local Community Development Committee. It is the primary vehicle for the coordination of local and community activity within the county and aims to improve the well being of the people and economy of County Carlow. This is achieved through enhanced strategic planning, targeting of resources and more meaningful impacts for local communities. It provides the strategic framework for all publicly funded economic, local and community development programmes in the county with the objective of maximising the social, community, cultural, sporting and economic development of County Carlow on a regional level. The policy framework to achieve the vision and workable actions as provided for in the LECP will be reviewed in accordance with the principles of proper planning and sustainable development.

Social Inclusion

Social inclusion is about the wellbeing of individuals, families, social groups and communities. Social inclusion seeks to ensure that minority groups, people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds, people with disabilities, the elderly, children and young people are recognised as valuable members of the community.

Carlow County Council is aware of demographic changes and an increasing ageing population within the county. In this regard an age friendly plan of action has been developed as a result of consultation with the older people of Carlow and with the agencies and service providers involved in the delivery of services to older adults throughout the county. This plan will inform the preparation of the County Development Plan.

Currently, 6,880 non-Irish nationals and persons of dual nationality are resident in Co. Carlow. This represents an increase of 7% since 2011. The Carlow Local Community Development Committee, along with partner agencies have recently launched the “Carlow Migrant Integration and Intercultural Strategy”. The three-year strategy seeks to promote the integration of foreign-born nationals who live in Carlow and to make Carlow a more welcoming and inclusive place for all residents of the county.

Creating a more socially inclusive society by alleviating social exclusion, poverty and depravation is a major challenge.

Access to services, promotion of good placemaking, connectivity and permeability all impact on creating more inclusive communities.

Teacher helping pupils in classroom


County Carlow has forty-two primary schools and eleven second level schools. There are two 3rd-level education institutions in Carlow (Institute of Technology Carlow and Carlow College St, Patrick’s). It is estimated that the third-level student population in Carlow is in excess of 7,500 with a combined full-time equivalent staff of around 850 in institutions of higher education. Carlow is recognised within the RSES as an important regional centre of education and research with IT Carlow and St. Patrick’s College located within the town as well as the Teagasc Agricultural Centre located on the outskirts of Carlow town. The Institute of Technology Carlow plays an important role in the South East and the Mid-East / Greater Dublin Area. The role of the IT as part of a Multi Campus Technological University for the South East will further support the provision of internationally recognised higher education, research opportunities and in the development of enterprise and industry.


There are 1,536 children attending childcare facilities in the county. Of these, just over one-third (35%) are attending community-owned facilities, while the majority (65%) are attending privately owned or commercial childcare facilities. Community owned facilities are important in enabling those from the lower socio-economic groups to access childcare and in building social capital in communities.

Health Care

Data from the Health Service Executive indicates that there are five private nursing homes in Co. Carlow. An appropriate distribution of nursing home facilities relative to projected populations over 65 years is required to ensure residents can remain within their established community network.

Carlow Visual Centre

Arts and Culture

Carlow County Council’s Arts Office provides a range of support services to artists and groups. Sixteen projects to-date have been successful in securing funding under the Carlow Culture and Creative Strategy 2018-2022 which focuses on;

  • Connecting People;
  • Ideas and Communities;
  • Celebrating County Carlow;
  • Cultivating Young Futures; and
  • Cherishing County Carlow’s History and Heritage.

Other initiatives to support the arts include supporting Music Generation Carlow, establishment of the Carlow Writer in Residence Programme facilitating creative writing, management of Carlow Youth Theatre and the Take A Part Carlow initiative focusing on the development of the arts in the Tullow Road Area of Carlow.

The vision of the Arts Office is to seek to:

  1. Develop and implement the Local Arts Development Plan;
  2. Manage the Arts Programme;
  3. Support Independent Arts Organisations; and
  4. Support Artists and Communities.

All of these activities serve as an investment for the community, the local economy and the tourism and heritage sector. The County Development Plan has a role in terms of continuing to explore possibilities for the development of further cultural facilities across the county and to encourage the creative sector to continue to contribute to the prosperity of the county.

Library Service

Carlow Library Service aims to provide a quality, accessible service, which enhances the lives of citizens and communities of County Carlow. It provides for the information, cultural, education, recreational and learning needs of people throughout the network of library branches in Borris, Muinebheag, Carlow Town and Tullow. The redevelopment of the central library to include extension, adaptation and refurbishment of Presentation Buildings which houses Carlow Central Library is a priority for Carlow County Council in the short to medium term. It is envisaged that the Presentation Building will form part of the urban space that ties into and enhances the existing Cultural Quarter of Carlow Town, Public Realm Plan and fulfils the cultural needs of the town and surrounding areas.

Carlow Library

Fire Service

The Central Fire Station is located on Green Lane, Carlow Town. There are four stations within the county located at Carlow, Muinebheag, Tullow and Hacketstown. A firefighting training centre is also located within Hacketstown Village.

Fire Brigade  in Tug-of-war with Vintage Fire Engine

Other Services

Other local services such as small shops, post offices and local public houses provide an important service for communities and their retention is an important consideration in the sustainable development of communities. Significant development proposals throughout the county must have regard to appropriate social infrastructure to support the potential increase in population.


  •  How can the County Development Plan assist in meeting community infrastructure needs?
  • How can the value of existing community facilities be maximised?
  • What policies should be included in the County Development Plan to support the delivery of education, healthcare and childcare facilities throughout the county?
  • Can a more equitable distribution of social and community infrastructure be achieved?
  • What policies are needed in the Development Plan to cater for the differing housing, retail, economic, religious and recreation needs of the county’s diverse population?
  • How can the County Development Plan assist in promoting social inclusion in all its communities?

Future planning needs to address how, where, when we can co-create projects and initiatives that address and explore how community spaces for engagement are at the fore.
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