Chapter 16: Development Management Standards

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Southern Region Waste Management Plan Office (SRWMPO)

Chapter 16: Development Management Standards

Proposed inclusion of reference to Waste Management Infrastructure – Guidance for Siting Waste Management Facilities

The upcoming National Waste Management Plan for a Circular Economy (NWMPCE), which is likely to be made in early 2022, will replace the Southern Region Waste Management Plan 2015-2021 and the regional waste management plans for the other two regions. The NWMPCE will include the new guidance document ‘Waste Management Infrastructure – Guidance for Siting Waste Management Facilities’, the scope of which includes broad siting criteria and facility specific guidance for consideration when siting a waste facility.    We recommend that reference to this new guidance document be made within Section 6.6 Waste Management and within Chapter 16 Development Management Standards, in particular Section 16.11.8 Waste Management Infrastructure.

Proposed inclusion of reference to new draft Best Practice Guidelines for the preparation of Resource Management Plans for Construction & Demolition Waste Projects

Please note that in April 2021 the Environmental Protection Agency published the new draft guidelines, ‘Best Practice Guidelines for the preparation of Resource Management Plans for Construction & Demolition Waste Projects’,  for which public consultation closed in June 2021.   The draft guidelines, which will be finalised shortly, supersede the ‘Best Practice Guidelines on the Preparation of Waste Management Plans for Construction and Demolition Waste Projects’ which were published in July 2006.  We recommend that reference be made to these new draft guidelines - in Section 6.6.5 with reference to Construction and Demolition Waste and in Section 16.11.5 on Construction and Environmental Management Plans.