Rural development

Dúnta24 Mei, 2020, 12:30 - 20 Lún, 2020, 17:00
The County Development Plan will seek to promote rural activities and enterprises and to strengthen rural communities in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

Strengthened rural economies and communities are essential for rural development. Rural areas can make a vital contribution to economic development within the county. This involves utilising the resources of rural areas, particularly agriculture/ food, tourism, forestry, horticulture, renewable energy and varied agri-business services. Simultaneously, rural areas capitalise and draw strength from neighbouring urban communities in a complementary manner.


In 2016 the number of farms in Carlow stood at 1,806 with the average farm size extending to 39.4 ha. The overall land area farmed within the county stands at 71,142ha with 2,353 people employed at farm level. Agriculture in Carlow supports thousands of jobs in the rural economy, both directly in food and drink processing and also in the wider agri-industry, including input suppliers, agricultural contractors, jobs in auctioneering, transport and engineering and in accountancy, legal, veterinary and other advisory services.


Afforestation has become a significant feature in the county over the last decade. Plantations are in public (primarily Coillte owned) and private ownership. It is estimated that there is over 2,503ha of land under private forestry. It is considered that the continued development of this sector should be promoted in a sustainable manner, compatible with the protection of the environment. The potential for afforestation in conjunction with a species diversification programme favouring the planting of native broadleaves, carried out in tandem with the development of amenity leisure walks, looped walks and trails could become a realistic alternative to mono species coniferous developments and support the recreational and tourism potential of the county. Afforested areas provide suitable locations for recreation pursuits such as mountain biking, hiking, orienteering and nature walks.

Diversity in the Rural Economy

Many opportunities exist for diversification including tourism, renewable energy production as well as leisure and recreation development. Growth is anticipated in the Irish Agri-Food Industry with growth of 23,000 additional direct jobs projected nationally between 2015-2025. Other relevant policy supports and initiatives for rural areas include delivery of hi speed broadband (National Broadband Plan), forestry (Growing for the Future and Business Area Unit Strategic Plans), energy (White Paper-Ireland’s Transition to a Low Carbon Energy Future 2015-2030), tourism (Ireland’s Ancient East), enterprise development by the Local Enterprise Office, Enterprise Ireland, IDA and actions under the South East Action Plan for Jobs.

Mountain Scenery

Sand and Gravel Extraction

Aggregates are a significant natural resource. By their nature, aggregates can only be worked where they occur. It is important that these resources are developed with the principles of sustainable development and environmental management in mind. However, the operation of quarries can give rise to land-use conflicts and environmental issues which require to be mitigated and controlled through the planning system.


  • What role can the Development Plan play in ensuring that sustainable agricultural production and rural based industry is supported and enhanced?
  • What type of development and services are required in rural areas in order to support existing rural communities?
  • How can the rural environment be protected from the loss of habitats and adverse visual impacts from inappropriate development?
  • What are the most significant issues relating to the extractive industry and how can the Development Plan support the industry whilst also safeguarding the environment?