Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) Part XI
Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) - Part 8
Applicant:Carlow County Council
Location: Queen of the Universe NS, Long Range Road, Moneybeg, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow
Proposal: Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of Carlow County Council’s intention to carry out various safety improvement measures to improve pedestrian access to the Queen of the Universe National School, Long Range Road, Bagenalstown as part of the Safe Routes to School programme. The works will consist of ‘front of school’ interventions in the form of a Schools Zone to increase road users awareness of the presence of vulnerable road users. The School Zone will use identifiable features, such as pencil shaped bollards and colourful road markings to highlight the presence of the school and encourage traffic to slow down, prevent parking on pavements and encourage drivers to make legal and safe drop-offs outside of the School Zone area. It is also proposed to introduce a one-way traffic system, southbound only, on Long Range Road (L-3020) from its junction with Regent Street (L-3024) to its junction with Royal Oak Road (R-724). The works will also include the provision of a new pedestrian crossing on Royal Oak Road.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Determination and an Appropriate Assessment Screening of the proposed development have been completed and are available for inspection.
For Further Information:Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase for a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy for a period of 4 weeks from 23rd July 2024 at the following Carlow County Council Office locations during public opening hours as indicated below :
Plans and particulars for the proposed development including all reports will also be available for inspection online at
Submission & Observations: A submission or observation in relation to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated, may be made before 11.59pm on Wednesday, 4th September 2024.
by email to part8@carlowcoco.iewith the subject line being clearly noted as ‘Queen of the Universe Safe Routes to School Scheme - Part 8 Process’.
NOTE 1: Please make your submission by one medium only (i.e. hard copy or by email or online).
NOTE 2: Please be advised that submissions received may be published online. You should ensure that no vexatious, libellous or confidential information, including confidential information relating to a third party (in respect of which the third party has not, expressly, or impliedly in the circumstances, consented to its disclosure) is included in your submission. Carlow County Council reserves the right to redact any submission or part thereof that does not comply with this requirement. Please be advised that the name of the person(s)/group(s) who made the submission may be published, but personal data will be redacted. This processing of your personal data is lawful under Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR Regulations.
The Planning Authority has concluded that the proposed development does not require an Environmental Impact Assessment and will not be likely to have significant effects on the environment. Any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice apply to An Bord Pleanála for a Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.
It is important to note the deadline for receipt of submissions may be made before 11.59pm on Wednesday, 4th September 2024.
Queen of the Universe NS, Bagenalstown - Safe Routes to School Scheme - Part 8 Process
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Notice of Proposed Part 8 Development
Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) Part XI
Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) - Part 8
Applicant: Carlow County Council
Location: Queen of the Universe NS, Long Range Road, Moneybeg, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow
Proposal: Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice is hereby given of Carlow County Council’s intention to carry out various safety improvement measures to improve pedestrian access to the Queen of the Universe National School, Long Range Road, Bagenalstown as part of the Safe Routes to School programme. The works will consist of ‘front of school’ interventions in the form of a Schools Zone to increase road users awareness of the presence of vulnerable road users. The School Zone will use identifiable features, such as pencil shaped bollards and colourful road markings to highlight the presence of the school and encourage traffic to slow down, prevent parking on pavements and encourage drivers to make legal and safe drop-offs outside of the School Zone area. It is also proposed to introduce a one-way traffic system, southbound only, on Long Range Road (L-3020) from its junction with Regent Street (L-3024) to its junction with Royal Oak Road (R-724). The works will also include the provision of a new pedestrian crossing on Royal Oak Road.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Determination and an Appropriate Assessment Screening of the proposed development have been completed and are available for inspection.
For Further Information: Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase for a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy for a period of 4 weeks from 23rd July 2024 at the following Carlow County Council Office locations during public opening hours as indicated below :
Plans and particulars for the proposed development including all reports will also be available for inspection online at
Submission & Observations: A submission or observation in relation to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated, may be made before 11.59pm on Wednesday, 4th September 2024.
NOTE 2: Please be advised that submissions received may be published online. You should ensure that no vexatious, libellous or confidential information, including confidential information relating to a third party (in respect of which the third party has not, expressly, or impliedly in the circumstances, consented to its disclosure) is included in your submission. Carlow County Council reserves the right to redact any submission or part thereof that does not comply with this requirement. Please be advised that the name of the person(s)/group(s) who made the submission may be published, but personal data will be redacted. This processing of your personal data is lawful under Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR Regulations.
The Planning Authority has concluded that the proposed development does not require an Environmental Impact Assessment and will not be likely to have significant effects on the environment. Any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice apply to An Bord Pleanála for a Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.
It is important to note the deadline for receipt of submissions may be made before 11.59pm on Wednesday, 4th September 2024.