Urban Design & Implementation
Intervention Areas
The Regeneration Vision for Carlow Town focuses on six Intervention Areas containing public realm projects and development opportunities in and around Carlow Town Centre. The Intervention Areas were informed by extensive public consultation and consist of:
- Town Centre - Potato Market and Barrack Street
- Cultural Quarter (including links to the Railway Station)
- The Barrow Track / Civic Spine
- The Pembroke District
- The Burrin Riverfront
- Link Streets (Dublin Street and Tullow Street)
The map across identifies the full range of Intervention Areas, highlighting how they integrate to form one cohesive regeneration strategy for the Town Centre.
Character Areas
In addition to the six Intervention Areas which contain individual projects and regeneration objecitves, the Regeneration Strategy also incoporates a number of Character Areas which together, help identify the key characteristics across the Town Centre area.
The Carlow Town Character Areas are:
- Town Centre;
- Retail Quarter;
- Cultural Quarter;
- Historical Quarter;
- Residential Quarter;
- Recreation & Leisure; and
- Civic/Hotel Quarter.
Each Character Area can incorporate elements from different Intervention areas. The purpose of defining the Character Areas of the Town Centre is to identify the key characteristics and features which should be protected and/or enhanced by, and inform, new development in Carlow. This will ensure that the regeneration of Carlow Town, and all new development, will benefit the surrounding land uses and community, responding to existing social and physical charcteristics in the Town.