Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) Part XI
Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) - Part VIII
Location: A 1.784ha. area located along Shamrock Square including works on Green Lane (R448) and Staplestown Road (R725), Tullow Street, Potato Market, Kennedy Avenue including works on Hanover Street (R448), sections of Barrack Street and a cleared site (formerly Nos. 23-24) Barrack Street, in the townland of Carlow, Carlow Town, County Carlow.
Description of Development: The proposed development includes the undertaking of works along Shamrock Square, Tullow Street, Potato Market, Kennedy Avenue, sections of Barrack Street and a cleared site (formerly Nos. 23-24) Barrack Street, in the townland of Carlow, Carlow Town, County Carlow. The Proposed Development includes:
(1) clearance/removal of the existing public realm including existing roadway surface finishes and associated structures,
(2) the provision of streetscape upgrades including new roadway finishes, paving and the creation of new public plazas/spaces,
(3) carriageway realignment works,
(4) amendments to existing junctions including the provision of signalisation at selected junctions,
(5) traffic calming and pedestrian crossing measures,
(6) provision of new and upgraded pedestrian areas including the provision of a new pedestrian link crossing Barrack Street connecting Fairgreen Shopping Centre and Carlow Shopping Centre/Potato Market. To create this new pedestrian link across Barrack Street it will be necessary to demolish an existing wall at the rear of the units formerly known as Nos. 23-24 Barrack Street as well as providing a new boundary wall at the northern boundary of the cleared site, at the boundary of the units formerly known as Nos. 22-23 Barrack Street,
(7) provision of active travel infrastructure including new cycle paths,
(8) amendments to vehicular movements including the provision of one-way directional traffic along sections of Tullow Street and Potato Market,
(9) alterations to street parking including taxi ranks, ambulance parking and accessible parking spaces,
(10) the provision of street furniture including planters, public seating, public lighting, CCTV and a new glazed canopy structure at Potato Market,
(11) provision of public Wi-Fi, and
(12) landscaping works, drainage/attenuation works (including SUDS measures) and all associated ancillary site works and site service provision.
These works will be delivered on a phased basis, and it is intended to provide the construction compound within the proposed development boundary.
The area of the proposed works will affect or be located adjacent/within the curtilage of the following protected structures:
(1) the Pillar Box, Potato Market (Protected Structure RPS No. CT117). The Pillar Box will be removed, stored and replaced as works to the streetscape are being undertaken,
(2) Carlow Shopping Centre (RPS. No. CT86, NIAH 10000567),
(3) The Barracks, 32 Tullow Street (Protected Structure RPS No. CT90, NIAH 10000271),
(12) Café Le Monde, Carlow Shopping Centre, Kennedy Avenue (Protected Structure RPS No. CT87, NIAH 10000565).
No works are proposed to the historic fabric of the foregoing protected structures.
The area of proposed works will be undertaken on the boundary of one Architectural Conservation Area (ACA), Little Barrack Street ACA and within the boundary of another, College Street ACA. These ACA’s are identified in the Carlow County Development Plan 2022-2028. The works will not materially affect the character of the ACA’s.
In accordance with the Habitats Directive and Article 250 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, an Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Determination has been carried out on the project, in relation to any potential impacts upon the River Barrow and River Nore SAC (Site Code 002162) and the Slaney River Valley SAC (Site Code 000781). The findings of the AA screening noted that no significant effects on any Natura 2000 sites is likely, and it was not necessary to undertake any further stage of the AA process. In addition, an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening determination (in accordance with Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended), has been carried out for the proposed development, and it has been concluded pursuant to Article 120(1B)(b)(i) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is not required.
In accordance with Article 120(3) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice apply to An Bord Pleanála for an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.
The plans and particulars of the proposed development, including AA and EIA Screening Reports, may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy for a period of 4 weeks from 28/01/2025 *(lodgement date) during office opening hours at the offices of Carlow County Council, County Buildings, Athy Road, Carlow, R93 E7R7 and at Carlow Library, Tullow Street, Carlow, R93 K126 during public opening hours of the library. The plans and particulars of the proposed development, including AA and EIA Screening Reports may also be inspected online at
A submission or observation in relation to the proposed development, dealing with the proposed planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated, may be made:
In writing: to the Planning Department, Carlow County Council, County Buildings, Athy Road, Carlow clearly marked ‘Carlow Town Centre Public Realm and Pedestrian Linkage Regeneration Project’ or
Online: at Carlow County Council’s public consultation portal using the ‘Make a Submission’ link on this consultation or
By email: to with the subject line clearly marked as ‘Carlow Town Centre Public Realm and Pedestrian Linkage Regeneration Project’.
All submissions must be received before 5.00 p.m. on 14th March2025. Please make your submission by one medium only (i.e. hard copy or by email or online) All submissions or observations received are subject to public viewing.
Pádraig O'Gorman, Director of Services, Carlow County Council
Part VIII Planning Application for Carlow Town Centre Public Realm and Pedestrian Linkage URDF Regeneration Project
Primary tabs
Notice of Proposed Part VIII Development
Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) Part XI
Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) - Part VIII
Applicant: Carlow County Council
Location: A 1.784ha. area located along Shamrock Square including works on Green Lane (R448) and Staplestown Road (R725), Tullow Street, Potato Market, Kennedy Avenue including works on Hanover Street (R448), sections of Barrack Street and a cleared site (formerly Nos. 23-24) Barrack Street, in the townland of Carlow, Carlow Town, County Carlow.
Description of Development: The proposed development includes the undertaking of works along Shamrock Square, Tullow Street, Potato Market, Kennedy Avenue, sections of Barrack Street and a cleared site (formerly Nos. 23-24) Barrack Street, in the townland of Carlow, Carlow Town, County Carlow. The Proposed Development includes:
(1) clearance/removal of the existing public realm including existing roadway surface finishes and associated structures,
(2) the provision of streetscape upgrades including new roadway finishes, paving and the creation of new public plazas/spaces,
(3) carriageway realignment works,
(4) amendments to existing junctions including the provision of signalisation at selected junctions,
(5) traffic calming and pedestrian crossing measures,
(6) provision of new and upgraded pedestrian areas including the provision of a new pedestrian link crossing Barrack Street connecting Fairgreen Shopping Centre and Carlow Shopping Centre/Potato Market. To create this new pedestrian link across Barrack Street it will be necessary to demolish an existing wall at the rear of the units formerly known as Nos. 23-24 Barrack Street as well as providing a new boundary wall at the northern boundary of the cleared site, at the boundary of the units formerly known as Nos. 22-23 Barrack Street,
(7) provision of active travel infrastructure including new cycle paths,
(8) amendments to vehicular movements including the provision of one-way directional traffic along sections of Tullow Street and Potato Market,
(9) alterations to street parking including taxi ranks, ambulance parking and accessible parking spaces,
(10) the provision of street furniture including planters, public seating, public lighting, CCTV and a new glazed canopy structure at Potato Market,
(11) provision of public Wi-Fi, and
(12) landscaping works, drainage/attenuation works (including SUDS measures) and all associated ancillary site works and site service provision.
These works will be delivered on a phased basis, and it is intended to provide the construction compound within the proposed development boundary.
The area of the proposed works will affect or be located adjacent/within the curtilage of the following protected structures:
(1) the Pillar Box, Potato Market (Protected Structure RPS No. CT117). The Pillar Box will be removed, stored and replaced as works to the streetscape are being undertaken,
(2) Carlow Shopping Centre (RPS. No. CT86, NIAH 10000567),
(3) The Barracks, 32 Tullow Street (Protected Structure RPS No. CT90, NIAH 10000271),
(4) Carlow Library, Tullow Street (Protected Structure RPS No. CT97, NIAH 10000314),
(5) Racey Byrne’s, 79 – 81 Tullow Street (Protected Structure RPS No. CT96, NIAH 10000307),
(6) 77 – 78, Tullow Street (Protected Structure RPS No. CT95, NIAH 10000306),
(7) Ladbrook’s Bookmakers, 69 Tullow Street (Protected Structure RPS No. CT92, NIAH 10000297),
(8) Warehouse, Pollerton Road (Protected Structure RPS No. CT82, NIAH 10000453),
(9) O’Farrell Auctioneers, Barrack Street (Protected Structure RPS No. CT83, NIAH 10000516),
(10) Dr Doyle’s Surgery, Barrack Street (Protected Structure RPS No. CT84, NIAH 10000517),
(11) Entrance Gates, Carlow Shopping Centre, Kennedy Avenue (Protected Structure RPS No. CT85, NIAH 10000566),
(12) Café Le Monde, Carlow Shopping Centre, Kennedy Avenue (Protected Structure RPS No. CT87, NIAH 10000565).
No works are proposed to the historic fabric of the foregoing protected structures.
The area of proposed works will be undertaken on the boundary of one Architectural Conservation Area (ACA), Little Barrack Street ACA and within the boundary of another, College Street ACA. These ACA’s are identified in the Carlow County Development Plan 2022-2028. The works will not materially affect the character of the ACA’s.
In accordance with the Habitats Directive and Article 250 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, an Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Determination has been carried out on the project, in relation to any potential impacts upon the River Barrow and River Nore SAC (Site Code 002162) and the Slaney River Valley SAC (Site Code 000781). The findings of the AA screening noted that no significant effects on any Natura 2000 sites is likely, and it was not necessary to undertake any further stage of the AA process. In addition, an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening determination (in accordance with Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended), has been carried out for the proposed development, and it has been concluded pursuant to Article 120(1B)(b)(i) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is not required.
In accordance with Article 120(3) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice apply to An Bord Pleanála for an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.
The plans and particulars of the proposed development, including AA and EIA Screening Reports, may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy for a period of 4 weeks from 28/01/2025 *(lodgement date) during office opening hours at the offices of Carlow County Council, County Buildings, Athy Road, Carlow, R93 E7R7 and at Carlow Library, Tullow Street, Carlow, R93 K126 during public opening hours of the library. The plans and particulars of the proposed development, including AA and EIA Screening Reports may also be inspected online at
A submission or observation in relation to the proposed development, dealing with the proposed planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated, may be made:
All submissions must be received before 5.00 p.m. on 14th March 2025. Please make your submission by one medium only (i.e. hard copy or by email or online) All submissions or observations received are subject to public viewing.
Pádraig O'Gorman, Director of Services, Carlow County Council
CLICK HERE for: "Explainer video for the Main Town Centre URDF Part 8 proposal"